Changing laws

We’ve spent a lot of time this semester discussing the rights of those who are not in the hetero-normative population in this world and this article coincides with that issue perfectly. Buenos Aires, Argentina did not allow gay marriage up until (around) a month ago when a judge ruled that it was unconstitutional to not allow homosexuals to marry. However, like many of the other cases we have discussed regarding rights of people, a different judge is at present trying to overthrow the ruling that it is unconstitutional to not allow gay marriage; she is trying to say that gay marriage should not be allowed. The article did not discuss the judges reasoning behind why this person wanted the law returned to the way it had been before the change.
Even though this second judge is a lower level judge and therefore cannot overturn the law, the attention brought up by this case makes it clear that not even those in power are in agreement with whether or not gay marriage should be legalized there in Buenos Aires as well as other places that have been considering making gay marriage legal.


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