Navy Veteran Richard Ramsey Has Sex-Change Operation at Age 77

I found this story at  Even though Richard Ramsey knew he was meant to be a girl at age 5, he waited 72 years to become Renee, because “he was in love with his second wife.”|hp-laptop|dl5|link3|

One Response to “Navy Veteran Richard Ramsey Has Sex-Change Operation at Age 77”

  1. Leah Howard says:

    This is really interesting, especially considering our recent class discussions.

    Ramsey says that she had always felt “different” and is now the lady she always knew she had been. Her only reason for finally going through with the sex-change operation was because her wife that she loved had passed away, and there was no reason to continue waiting. Ramsey feeling the need to wait reinforces the typical view that sexual orientation correlates with gender roles. Ramsey knew that it would not be okay with society (and perhaps the wife she loved), if she were to change her sex and gender, but not change her sexual orientation.

    This is where it all gets rather confusing. Transgendered people do not fit into a category of who they are to love and be with. It is extremely difficult for society to accept that they can’t categorize transgendered people. This would all be different, and much simpler if there was no gender, and we did not have preconceived ideas of who should love who based on their gender or sex.