“Can’t Touch This”

So as I was searching through the New York Times website I stumbled across something interesting that related very nicely to what we have been discussing in class.  We have talked a lot about how much sense McDonagh’s argument makes The Abortion Deadlock but how it can difficult to vocalize it to others.  Also we discussed various commercial ideas or advertising options for the book and Katie pointed out while we can come up with clever idea that may get people thinking about this argument it would be difficult to get a network to air the commercials.  This article demonstrates just how much most TV networks want to avoid addressing controversial issues, such as abortion.

Law and Order is aired an episode based on abortion last Friday, having its characters taking very decisive stances on this issue.  And while the show addresses a range of ‘over the top’ issues, this has been called its most controversial ever.  The vice president for MPG, a media planning company, said that most advertisers have stringent guidelines about when they should or should not advertise on TV shows that deal with issues like abortion.  She also said that usual advertisers probably dropped out of their slots for the Friday episode although all of the spots did end up getting filled.  The article also talks about other networks that have not aired episodes centering on abortion or were not repeated as reruns due to refusals or complaints from advertisers.

Check it out.  It makes really makes you think about what is discussed by the mainstream media and what is conveniently left out.


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