Decisions That Are HardC.O.R.E.

On Thanksgiving I had a conversation about Gay rights with a friend of mine who has a sister who’s lesbian 🙂   She told me that the church that her family attends is trying to separate itself from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to be part of the new Lutheran CORE (Coalition For Reform) Assembly.  Confused? Ok, here’s a Little History:  On August 21, 2009, The ELCA changed its standards to endorse gay marriage and to allow pastors and other leaders in the church to be in committed same-sex relationships.  Immediately, those against this decision began to act and decided that they needed to branch away from the ELCA to form their own.

 The most interesting part about this is that my friend’s pastor is a woman.  About only 30 years ago she would have not been allowed to be a pastor due to her gender because in their bible women are not allowed to be pastors.  It is mind-blowing that people who were once discriminated against are the first to step forward and discriminate against others for something that they cannot control.

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