Someone to be Thankful For!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was watching CNN this evening and it was the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year episode! This show honored 10 women and men from all over the world who are just average people doing extraordinary things. These people do things like make wheelchairs for Iraqi children, run orphanages for children in Timur, and the winner this year has set up a volunteer traveling school that goes all over the Philippines where ever they are needed with the hopes of preventing teen gang violence! To be honest, it made me feel extremely inadequate as a human being, but I have lots of time right?!?

Anyways, the woman who affected me the most (which is hard to say because they were all amazing) was a woman named Betty Makoni, who was raped as a young girl in Zimbabwe and has set up an organization called Girl Child Network to rescue young girls from sexual assault and to help them regain their confidence in themselves as human beings! It is truly an amazing story! I want to do something. It is still rustling around in my head, but it will come out sooner or later!

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