Federal court to hear challenge of Prop 8

Last November, there was a voter initiative – Proposition 8 – on California’s ballot to overturn a court ruling that legalized same sex marriage. Prop 8 passed, effectively reversing the court’s decision and outlawing same sex marriage.

However, two lawyers famous for their work in the 2000 Supreme Court Case Bush v. Gore, Theodore Olson and David Boies along with the American Foundation for Equal Rights, have posed a federal challenge to Prop 8. The chief judge has set a trial date for January 11, 2010. This is the first time in our nation’s history that same sex marriage will be addressed by the federal courts.

Basically, this is just a heads up to keep watching the news and see what happens in January.

Here’s the American Foundation for Equal Rights’ press release: http://www.equalrightsfoundation.org/pressDownloads/AFER_courtDate_PR.pdf

Here’s the Facebook “event” if you’d like to get involved: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=210238489967&ref=mf

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