Slowly, but Surely

The article that I read was from the New York Times entitled “Afghan Women Slowly Gaining Protection”.  This article is about Afghan womyn who are forced to marry at very young ages so their families can get a bride price to pay off their family debts.  These womyn have no say in their lives and most of the time they are abused physically and mentally, not only by their husbands; but also by their husband’s family members.  Organizations are slowly helping these womyn by opening their home shelter doors to those who escape the abuse.

Though this is happening on the other side of the world I believe that this issue is very important to us.  It is relevant to our class because it’s about organizations that are slowly building up in Afghanistan to support womyn’s rights.  Our country took their first steps years ago, but it is obvious that we still have ways to go.  I am glad that Middle Eastern countries are starting to take their own first steps for womyn’s equality; especially in countries where womyn are not even allowed to go outside without a men’s permission or a male sibling.  This is just to show that womyn’s equality worldwide is a work in progress.

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